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Survey Galaxy | Survey Consultancy
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Survey Galaxy Information | Time Related Services | Full Survey Consultancy Service

Full Survey Consultancy Service

For any project we are able to take the lead role and provide you with a complete turnkey solution, or alternatively, provide you with ad-hoc survey consultancy or simply the tools and guidance to run your own project.

The following are the individual services offered:

Phase 1 - Initial Analysis

By working with your organization the initial analysis will seek to gain a full understanding of your organization's structure and determine your goals, objectives and requirements.

Phase 2 - Survey Design and Preparation

Based on your objectives we are able to prepare a programme and design a survey or surveys that will ask the right questions, in the most effective manner that will deliver valuable, accurate and reliable intelligence to meet your stated goals and objectives.

Our survey designs will take into account those being canvassed and ensure that the survey questions are highly focussed, clear and concise with the aim of minimizing sampling error and ensuring a good survey response rate.

In addition to asking the right questions in the right way we will ensure that the survey respondents are able to answer accurately and are not unduly influenced in how they respond.

Phase 3 - Collate

We are able to provide the consultancy necessary to deploy the survey, including mail merging the survey invitations and ensuring that the sample being canvassed is performed in a cost effective manner, is appropriately targeted and represents a broad spectrum of views.

Phase 4 - Full Report and Analysis

For customers who have conducted their survey through Survey Galaxy we are able to provide a 'full report' service.

Details of the full report service are contained in the Survey Galaxy Full Report Service document and you can view a Sample Full Report.

Survey Galaxy | Survey Consultancy 20-Jan-2025 02:30