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Survey Galaxy | Video Tutorials
Home Page The members area is for registered users to create and publish their own online  surveys Information on Survey Galaxy
Tutorial Video Centre

In this Tutorial Video Centre you will find a number of tutorial films that demonstrate how quick and easy it is to create and publish surveys using the Survey Galaxy website.

Viewing the videos requires the Flash Player which can be downloaded free from Adobe.

The videos may take a few minutes to download depending on your internet connection speed and the length of the tutorial.

Link to Survey Galaxy's YouTube Channel

Category Tutorial Title MinsSynopsis Video YouTube
Setup Registration 02:12 This tutorial provides a walk through of the Survey Galaxy registration procedure. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Getting Started Quick Start - Create a Survey 06:40 The quick start tutorial demonstrates the speed and ease that surveys can be created using the Survey Galaxy composer. The quick start video covers the basic processes involved. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Creating a Multi-Language Survey 03:47 Survey Galaxy allows you to create a survey in a base language and then have translations into other languages of that survey. The results are then automatically merged into the base language for reporting and analysis. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Composing The Composer Buttons 03:40 This tutorial covers the Composer buttons that are used to create and edit a survey. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Using Section Headers 03:25 A tutorial that demonstrates how sections headers can be used to help improve the look and feel of a survey. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Data Entry Field Format 05:19 This tutorial shows how to customise the size of input box and how to change the data type so that fields can be configured to only accept certain types of information such as numbers or dates. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Textbox Format 01:33 A tutorial that will show how to create and customise a text area to allow respondents to write free text replies such as comments. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Using the Radio Buttons for a Single Choice Format 03:58 When you require a respondent to select one answer from a list of possible answers you can use a Radio button format. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Using the Checkboxes for Multiple Choices Format 02:58 When you require a respondent to be able to select multiple answer from a list of possible answers you can use the Checkbox format. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Using the Pulldown Field for a Single Choice Format 02:10 When you require a respondent to select one answer from a list of possible answers you can use the pull-down format. Ideal for when you have a long list of possible answers such as country names. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Adding Text to a Survey 02:04 To add any informational text such as an introduction or a thank you message you can use the text format. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Ranking Format 03:01 The ranking format can bring real benefits to surveys and this tutorial shows how easy it is to include a ranking answer format into a survey. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Working with Images 03:34 Images can be used to enhance any survey. This tutorial shows how to insert, size and align images and include supporting text and demonstrates the effects of using animated GIF files. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Adding a Logo 01:16 A tutorial that demonstrates how a logo can be added to a survey. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Import from Template Library 02:46 Survey Galaxy's library template is powerful and flexible. This tutorial shows how to create surveys quicker by importing items from the template library. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Move a Block 01:41 Moving a single survey item to a new position is easy but if you have to move a block it can be a slow process if there are a lot of items and you have to move them one at a time. This tutorial shows how you can use the delete and undelete facility to quickly move a block of questions to a new position. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Using Predefined Site Styles 01:33 Survey Galaxy provides you with a number of site styles that allow you to change the appearance of your survey quickly and easily. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Customize Styles 06:29 This tutorial shows how you can customize the style of your survey for example changing colours and fonts. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Mandatory Fields 02:00 Survey Galaxy allows questions to be made mandatory ensuring that respondents do not miss out any questions. This tutorial shows how to manage a survey's mandatory settings. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Branching & Jump To 04:05 Using Branch To and Jump To logic will allow respondents to automatically skip questions that are not relevant to them based on the answers they provide. This tutorial shows now to implement the branching facility. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Viewing and Adjusting Page Breaks 05:52 This tutorial shows how with Survey Galaxy you can view where a survey's page breaks will appear and if necessary make adjustments to them. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Manually Setting Page Breaks 02:52 Using the Branches facility to manually set page breaks. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Applying Reference Numbers to a Survey 02:53 The default setting is for online surveys to be published without reference numbers, however, if reference numbers are required this tutorial shows how references can be applied. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Using the Info Facility 04:08 This tutorial demonstrates how you can enter additional information that would be useful to the respondent and how the radio and checkbox formats can have information displayed against each answer option. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Publishing Publishing a Survey 02:18 A tutorial that shows how to publish surveys. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Revising a Published Survey 02:24 This tutorial shows how to revise a published survey. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Purging Test Data 01:37 It is always recommended that surveys are tested thoroughly before going live, this tutorial demonstrates how to purge test data. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Changing Characteristics 02:16 It is possible to make changes to a survey's characteristics while a survey remains published. This tutorial demonstrates how this can be achieved by adjusting a survey's mandatory fields. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Response Capture Facility 06:31 The tutorial demonstrates how you can enter survey responses on behalf of another person, for example, where a respondent has returned a hard copy of their responses or where the survey is being conducted via telephone. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Respondent Activity Monitor 01:58 The Respondent Activity Monitor will allow you to view individual survey responses. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Maintenance Listing and Selecting a Survey 02:06 How to list and select your surveys. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Copy a Survey 02:06 A tutorial that demonstrates how to copy a survey and then edit the new copy. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Deleting a Survey 00:51 Tutorial that demonstrates how to delete a survey Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Creating Templates 03:41 With Survey Galaxy creating templates is easy. This tutorial shows how to create a private template file by copying an existing survey and how to extract only a few items of a large survey into a template file. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Survey Folder Management 03:50 This tutorial demonstrates how to create and maintain folders and assign them to surveys for easier administration management. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Results Analyzer Introduction 05:53 Introducing the Online Results Analyzer. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Master Settings 06:38 Using the Results Analyzer facility the survey results can be easily analyzed and the items being reported customised. This tutorial covers the Results Analyzer's master setting that allow you to set the default settings. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Header & Footer 04:29 Using the Results Analyzer's Header fields you can give the results a title and/or provide an introduction to the results. Similarly the Results Analyzer's Footer field can be useful in providing a postscript or follow up information to the results. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Producing Charts 03:52 The Results Analyzer allows a number of different chart formats to be applied to each of the results and even supports multiple chart formats for each item. This tutorial demonstrates the formats that are available and how single or multiple charts can be specified. It also shows how the charts can be controlled interactively. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Define an Index Key 02:23 Using the Results Analyzer facility you can identify a key item and have that item show against any free text response allowing for example comments to be associated to a respondent name. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Administration Settings 02:14 Using the Results Analyzer facility you can share the results with third-parties by either granting them restricted access so that they can only see the information you wish them to have access to, or full access where they are free view all the result information. This tutorial covers the administration of how third-party access is managed. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Results Exporting Exporting Survey Results 02:34 How to export a survey's results Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Viewing the Export Results Guide 01:25 Viewing the Results Guide documentation. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Processing the exported Results using Excel 2003 04:44 Processing the survey results export file using Excel 2003 Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Processing the exported Results using Excel 2007 04:56 Processing the survey results export file using Excel 2007 Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Viewing the export Full Report 01:48 The full report is an optional report that lists each individual responses and can be included with an order to export the results. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Miscellaneous Creating a Company Logo template 02:01 This tutorial shows how to setup a template that contains a company's logo and how it can then be used to quickly set-up new surveys. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Correcting Common Mistakes 05:41 This tutorials lists some common mistakes that occur when people are new to designing surveys, the tutorial demonstrates how most of the mistakes can be easily corrected. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Embedding HTML Code 02:51 Members who are comfortable writing HTML can enhance their surveys even more by using embedded HTML. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
Upgrading to an Enterprise Subscription and Authorising Users 04:03 A tutorial that gives an overview of the Enterprise subscription and demonstrates how surveys can be shared across a single Enterprise account. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial
News Updated 01:09 Any changes, updates or general information including new features, enhancements or price changes will be listed in the News section of the website. This tutorial demonstrates how the latest news is highlighted. Survey Galaxy served tutorial youTube served tutorial

Survey Galaxy | Video Tutorials 20-Jan-2025 03:16