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Online Survey Search Engine Optimization | SEO | Documentation
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Search Engine Optimization of Your Online Survey


It may appear to many people that the major search engines are able to root out and display information from every nook and cranny of the Internet but in reality the search engines are very polite and will not retrieve information if they are asked not to.

It can sometimes be desirable for private surveys to be found via search engines but for surveys like internal employee satisfaction surveys, the opposite is true.

With Survey Galaxy you have the choice.

Preventing Private Surveys from appearing in Search Engine Results

The default for all private surveys is to prevent them from being indexed by the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

With the 'Enable Search Engine Indexing' set to 'No' the following HTML statement will be included with the survey:

<META name="robots" content="noindex">

The statement will instruct all 'polite' search engines not to index the survey. (Polite search engines are those that respect the conventional methods used to prevent content from being indexed).

The default setting should be used if you do not want the survey to appear in any search engine result listings. This is likely to be your preference if you wanted to restrict the people that participate in your survey to those that are invited to do so by email or via a link placed on a restricted access website such as an Intranet, Extranet or the authorised area of a public website.

Including Private Surveys in Search Engine Results

If you want to maximize the exposure of your survey and make the survey a candidate to appear in search engine results you should set the 'Enable Search Engine Indexing' to 'Yes'.

This is likely to be your preference if your survey is open to the general public and you want to encourage those people searching on the survey's topic to participate in the survey.

You should think carefully before allowing the survey to be found through the search engines as the results might be skewed in favour of a particular viewpoint. For example if a survey was published that gauged the attitudes of people towards the issue of smoking in public, it is possible that those that might be searching using related search terms may not represent an even balance of opinions 'for' or 'against' the argument. This may, or may not be, to the advantage of the survey's publisher.

Examples of search terms displaying surveys

Jed Bartlett is a fictional character in a US TV series, The West Wing, the following is a search for 'Jed Bartlett US President'

A search for the 'Which heroes super power'

Optimising the Survey

To maximise the opportunity for the survey to appear in relevant search results consider the following:-

Survey Title The survey title is important and will heavily influence the search engines in their decision as to how relevant the survey is towards any particular search phrase.
Introduction Having a short SEO introduction at the top of the survey will improve the chances of a survey being returned for relevant search phrases. A well optimised introduction will read well to the respondents and at the same time provide the search engine with detailed information about the survey topic.
Links Private surveys will benefit from Survey Galaxy's own ranking with the search engines but the more links a survey receives from independent sources the greater the chances of a private survey improving its search rankings.

Before any of the major search engines will index your survey you will need to have at least one link pointing to the survey. There are a number of ways this can be achieved:-

  • Place a link to the survey from your own or third-party website
  • Include a link from a Blog
  • Publish an online press release containing a link to the survey
  • Publish an online article containing a live reference to the survey

Benefits of SEO

If your survey is open to the general public allowing the search engines to index your survey may help improve the volume of respondents.

Surveys can be used as a marketing tool to promote a product and/or a service and/or used as link bait to send traffic to a website either by including a link to the target website from within the survey or by specifying an 'Exit URL' for the survey.


There are no guarantees as how well your survey will perform in the search engine rankings. A lot will depend on how competitive the search terms are and how well you have optimised the title and introduction as well as the number, and quality, of the links.


Although you are able to dynamically set 'Enable Search Indexing' through Survey Galaxy using the survey's 'Edit Detail' option please note that once a search engine has indexed a web page its removal from the search engine index is not immediate. Each search engine has its own procedures for removing URL's from their index.

Online Survey Search Engine Optimization | SEO | Documentation 13-Feb-2025 05:12