Using Embedded HTML Code in Surveys
Using HTML code you can fine tune the look and feel of your
surveys, some HTML code is very simple to apply, for example to use HTML to
make only part of a sentence bold.
If you are experienced at coding using HTML you should have no difficulty in
including HTML code in your surveys; if you are a novice, providing you are
careful and take your time to work up to the more complex code, you should find
a lot of HTML coding very easy and intuitive.
If you have no HTML experience we would urge you to first
become familiar with the standard Survey Galaxy features where for example, if you
want to change the appearance of your survey, in the first instance, we would recommend that you use the
Composer's Style facility to make changes to the survey's fonts and colours.
If you then would like to benefit from using embedded HTML code,
we recommend that you start with some small HTML code such as changing text to bold
or italic or both bold and italic before working up to
slightly more complex code such as including links to other websites such as Survey Galaxy Home Page.
In most cases incorrect code will be ignored or may only have a negative
effect on the appearance of the survey but please note that in some cases it
can cause a survey to become corrupt.
Supported HTML Code
For security reasons code that could be used for malicious purposes, such as Java
scripting, is automatically removed by the Survey Galaxy composer. If you want
to benefit from including Java scripting please use the Help Request facility
to contact Survey Galaxy support.
The following is a list of HTML code that is supported as
standard and that can be embedded in Survey Galaxy surveys. Please contact us
if you want to use any HTML code that is not listed.
Tag On
Defines scrolling text in a field
Defines Anchor text
Defines bold text
Defines a single line break
Defines a citation
Defines a section in a document
Defines emphasized text
Defines font, colour, and size for text
Defines Level 1 heading
Defines Level 2 heading
Defines Level 3 heading
Defines Level 4 heading
Defines a horizontal line
Defines italic text
Defines an image
Defines keyboard text
Defines an ordered list
Defines an unordered list
Defines a list item
Defines a paragraph
Defines preformatted text
Defines a section in a document
Defines strikethrough text
Defines style information for a document
Defines a table
Groups the body content in a table
Defines a cell in a table
Defines a header cell in a table
Groups the header content in a table
Defines a row in a table
Defines underlined text
Causes text to blink
Defines strong text
Defines teletype text
Defines computer code text
Defines sample computer code
Defines subscript text
Defines superscript text
Entering Restricted Code
Please note that if you attempt to enter the <script>
tag, for example:
When you attempt to save the item you will receive an 'Invalid
Data' error message and the item is not saved.
If you enter other HTML code that is not supported, for example like the '<input
type=' that is displayed in the screen shot below:
When the item is saved, the problematic code will be
neutralised with the added prefix and suffix '_** Invalid HTML disabled' and
displayed as shown below:
Note: Any valid HTML code that was entered will be accepted, as the
<b>(bold) tag in the above example.
If you do not want to lose code that you have entered do not
remove or modify the warning prefix and suffix '_** Invalid HTML' as
doing so will remove the disabled code completely. Please use the Help Request
facility to contact Survey Galaxy for advise and further guidance on
implementing any disabled code.
HTML examples
To view working examples of HTML you can import from the template
library, the template that is titled, 'Samples of Embedded HTML Code'.
Important: Survey Galaxy does not guarantee support
in using or resolving queries that relate to embedded HTML. If embedded code causes an error, or does
not have the desired effect, we may not be able to fully assist in fixing the code or
for providing advise on HTML coding.