Survey Galaxy Information | Enterprise Subscription | Account Management Facility
Enterprise Subscription and Account Management Facility (AMF)
The Enterprise Subscription is specifically designed for organisations who
wish to deploy a survey application across an organisation to an unlimited number
of users and require a single billing account.
Included with the Enterprise Subscription is Survey Galaxy's Account Management
Facility (AMF).
AMF will allow you to manage the enterprise account, add and delete users and
establish controls for content approval.
With the Enterprise Subscription you are able to create any number of survey
templates and make them available across the whole organisation.
Primary Account
The Survey Galaxy member account that is used to initiate the Account setup
will become the primary account.
The administration duties of the primary account can be shared by adding
additional account managers but the primary account must remain active at
all times for the account to operate as it will receive the management reports
and will have overall responsibility for managing the account and responsible
for the accounts financial matters.
Taking out an Enterprise Subscription
To take out an Enterprise Subscription first register with Survey Galaxy.
Consider if you want the primary account to be assigned to a particular
person within an organisation or if you want to create an Administrator/System/Controller
account that can then be assigned to an individual and if required, reassigned
at a later date.
Enter the details for the Primary Account and view the Terms and
If the terms and conditions are acceptable, click to accept and
then click on the 'Register' button.
You will be redirected to the Members Area where a 'Getting
Started 'menu will be displayed.
As part of the registration process you will be sent an email
containing a validation link requesting you to confirm your email address. Please
note that you will be able to continue without validating your email address
but we recommend that you validate your account as soon as possible as until
you have, you will not be able to publish surveys and the number of times you
can access your account will be restricted.
If you do not receive the registration confirmation email please check that
the email has not been blocked by any local email filters.
To validate your email address open the email and click on the'
Validate your email address' link.
Clicking on the validation link will confirm that your account
has been successfully validated and provide you with a number of options.
From the 'Getting Started' menu you will be able to
start composing your own surveys straight away.
Enterprise Subscription
To start an Enterprise Subscription, select 'Subscription' under
the Accounts section, or click on the Getting Started' Claim your free
2 weeks subscription' 'now' option listed under the Getting
Started menu.
If you have not previously taken out a subscription you will be
requested for additional information, the required fields will be highlighted
in blue the other fields are optional.
Select the survey 'Default Language' and your preferred
currency, once you have completed the form click on the 'Save' button.
For the Enterprise select the 'Multiple User Enterprise Subscription'
pricing plan.
Select the period you wish the subscription to run for.
You will have the option to specify a 'Publication Host'
name, if you are interested in this option enter a name in accordance with the
notes and you will be provided with the cost for this service that you can then
accept or reject.
Click on 'Continue'.
You will be provided with a quotation for the services ordered,
use the 'Back' button to cancel, or if you wish to continue click
on the 'terms and conditions' link and confirm that they are acceptable
by checking the 'I confirm all the terms and conditions' box and
then click on the 'Confirm Your Order' button.
After confirming your order you will be connected to the World
Pay secure payment system where if the payment process is successful your order
will be confirmed and your Enterprise account will be operational.
To return to the Getting Started menu click on the 'Continue' button.
With a valid Enterprise subscription the 'Getting Started'
menu will be adapted to include Enterprise Account Management functions.
To finalise your account details click on the 'Modify/complete
your account details 'option.
Complete any missing details and click on the 'Save'
The full details of the Enterprise account will be displayed.
Click on the 'Members Area 'tab and you will return
to the Getting Started menu.
You can add new users to the account by selecting the Getting Started menu
option 'Create the user profiles for your Enterprise Account'.
The primary account will be listed, click on the 'Create
a User 'button to add additional users.
Complete the fields required to add a new user, those fields in
pink being the required fields.
To share the account management responsibilities you can choose
to create additional account managers by checking the 'Account Manager'
check box.
If the new user is to be responsible for approving their own surveys prior
to publication check the 'No Approval Required' check box and then
click on the 'Save' button.
The new user will be added to the list of users and you can continue
adding new users by clicking on the 'Create a User' button.
In this example a 'Content Approver' has been specified
so that on publication the survey will need to be approved by the nominated
Content Approver prior to the survey being published.
Click on the 'Save' button.
We will add a fourth person to the account, this time leaving
the Account Manager privilege unchecked but with the ability to approve their
own surveys by checking the 'No Approval Required' check box.
The User Profiles summary display will show which of the users
have Account Management privilege and who, if anyone, has been assigned to approve
each user's surveys prior to their publication.
To activate the added new user accounts, click on the orange status button,
this will both activate the account and send an email to the new user which
will include the assigned user name and an automatically generated password.
The new user will receive an email.
The email will advise the new user that an account has been created
for them and provide them with the login username, password and a link to the
Survey Galaxy website.
Clicking on the link will take the new user to the Survey Galaxy
login screen where they can login using the provided details.
The new users account will be pre-validated and once they successfully
log in they will be presented with the 'Getting Started' menu where
they can choose which options they require.
When the user accounts have been activated the status will be
changed to 'active' and the traffic light set to green.
To display a users profile select the select icon to the left of the user's
By selecting an account user their user profile will be displayed
and more menu options will be available.
To edit a profile click on the 'Edit Selected Profile' menu item.
By editing a profile you are able to add, modify or remove privileges
and change the survey content approval settings.
Click on the 'Save' button to save any changes.
Sharing Surveys
In the following example the user Ringo Starr has created a survey that will
be listed when they use the 'List' command in the 'Your Surveys'
menu section.
The survey will not be visible to any account user who does not
have the Account Manager privilege.
Those with Account Manager privilege will be able to view all the account's
surveys by clicking on the 'Surveys' menu item in the Account Manager
menu section.
Creating a shared Survey Template
Account users can create a new survey template by using the Your Surveys 'Template
Library' menu option.
Design the survey template using the composer in the normal way.
When the survey template has been finalised use the Template Library's
'Edit Details' menu option.
Change the Survey Type to 'Survey Template (Account)'
to allow the template to be accessed by all the authorised account users.
Select a suitable 'Category' for the template to be
filed under and then click on the 'Save' button.
Those account users with the Account Manager privilege will be
able to view the account's template library by selecting the Account Manager's
' Template Library List' menu.
When a survey template is added to the library at the account
level all authorised users of the account will be able to access the template
from the composer by selecting the 'Import from template library'
Any survey templates stored in the account library can be selected
along with the standard Survey Galaxy site survey templates.
Publishing a Survey Requiring Approval
When an authorised account user publishes a survey that requires approval they
publish the survey in the normal way by clicking on the publish menu option,
button or publish icon.
They will be provided with a quotation that because of subscription
will show zero cost.
If the authorised account member wants to confirm publication
they will do so by clicking on the 'Next...Confirm Your Publication Order
Without Charge' button.
The publication order will be confirmed but if approval is required
a notice will be displayed advising them that the survey publication needs approval
from their account administrator, they have the opportunity to cancel the publication
When a survey is published that requires content approval the
status of the survey will change to indicate that the survey has been 'submitted
for content approval'.
The nominated approver will receive an email that notifies them
that there is a survey that requires their approval.
To approve a survey the approver will need to logon to the Survey
Galaxy website.
From the Members Area they will need to click on the 'Pending Actions'
menu option.
All surveys that are pending action for the nominated approver
will be displayed.
The approver then needs to click on the 'APPROVAL' link for the
survey that they wish to review.
An approval screen will be displayed and the survey can be previewed
by clicking on the 'Preview' button and/or modified by clicking
on the 'Compose' button located at the bottom of the display.
In the event that approval is to be denied comments can be entered
in the 'Message to Author' box.
The survey can be approved by clicking on the 'Approve Survey Content'
button, or rejected by clicking on the 'Reject this Survey' button.
' Save' can be used if changes have been made but the decision to
approve or reject is to be deferred.
If the survey is rejected an email will be sent to the survey's
author notifying them of the rejection and including any comments that were
If the survey is approved an email will be sent back to the survey's
author confirming the publication and notifying them of the assigned URL.
The status of the survey will be updated by changing it back to
'preparation 'where the survey has been rejected and to 'published
'where it has been approved.
Please note that any user that has been granted the Account Manager
privilege will be able to approve an account's surveys by selecting the 'Pending
Action 'menu item but only the nominated approver will receive a survey
pending approval notification by email.