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Survey Galaxy | Multiple Languages
Home Page The members area is for registered users to create and publish their own online  surveys Information on Survey Galaxy
Survey Galaxy Information | Creating Multi-Language Surveys (Overview)

Creating Multi-Language Surveys (Overview)

Create the survey in the base language; the base language will determine the reporting language.

Click on the composer's 'Details' button.

Ensure that the survey's base language is correctly defined.

Select the translations you require, for multiple selections use 'Click' and then 'Click+Shift' to specify a range or 'Control+Click' to select/deselect individual languages.

For the purpose of this demonstration the survey's base language is set to English and the survey will be translated to English (US) and French.


Click on the 'Save' button.

Double click on the survey item to edit the item.


The Composer will now include columns for the English(US) and French translation.

Enter the translations for the English (US) and French and then click on the 'Save' button.

Use the 'Language' selection box to preview the individual translations.

With the English (US) language selected the spelling of favourite/favorite and colour/color is displayed.

With the French language selected the survey preview is displayed in French.

When the survey is deployed the respondents will be able to select their preferred language, it is possible to force the language if required.

Where there is a translation available of the system messages and control buttons these will be displayed in the selected language.

Example of the survey shown with English language selected:

Example of the survey shown with English (US) language selected:

Example if the survey shown with French language selected:


Survey Galaxy | Multiple Languages 14-Dec-2024 08:05